Athens becomes World Book Capital 2018


Today Athens becomes the World Book Capital for 2018 and for the next 365 days, Greece’s capital city will be celebrating books, reading, culture and events promoting knowledge.

Beginning April 23, Greece’s capital will be known as the “World Book Capital” for 2018, which is a global UNESCO cultural event.

Events will include book readings in unexpected locations for passers-by and round table discussions with well- known Greek and international authors.

Until April 22, 2019, Athens invites locals and visitors, people from all around the nation and the world, to come and enjoy literary magic as well as to discover some unknown cultural aspects in institutes around the city, libraries, cultural sites and big festivals.

“The event aims to inspire, create and offer incentives for reading… We want books to be available in every neighborhood, for all the city’s residents through more than 250 events planned over the next 12 months,” said Athens Mayor Giorgos Kaminis during a press conference at City Hall this week ahead of the official launch.

Under the slogan “Books Everywhere”, internationally acclaimed authors including Nobel Prize winner Herta Muller, Ian McEwan, George Saunders and John Connolly as well as Greek representatives of the arts, literature, music and culture will be participating in Book Year events.

Meanwhile, a mobile library will be traveling through Athens neighbourhoods in May offering access to books.

Small bookshops will celebrate Independent Bookstore Day on April 28, and readers can enjoy a “picnic with books” at Kotzia Square.